pub struct Comment {Show 24 fields
pub approved_by: Option<Box<str>>,
pub author: Box<str>,
pub author_flair_css_class: Option<Box<str>>,
pub author_flair_text: Option<Box<str>>,
pub banned_by: Option<Box<str>>,
pub body: Box<str>,
pub body_html: Box<str>,
pub special: Option<Value>,
pub gilded: u64,
pub likes: Option<bool>,
pub link_author: Option<Box<str>>,
pub link_id: Box<str>,
pub link_title: Option<Box<str>>,
pub link_url: Option<Box<str>>,
pub num_reports: Option<u64>,
pub parent_id: Box<str>,
pub saved: bool,
pub score: i64,
pub score_hidden: bool,
pub subreddit: Box<str>,
pub subreddit_id: Box<str>,
pub distinguished: Option<Box<str>>,
pub votable: Votable,
pub created: Created,
Expand description
Implements votable | created kind == “t1” See–created
§approved_by: Option<Box<str>>
who approved this comment. null if nobody or you are not a mod
the account name of the poster
the CSS class of the author’s flair. subreddit specific
the text of the author’s flair. subreddit specific
banned_by: Option<Box<str>>
who removed this comment. null if nobody or you are not a mod
body: Box<str>
the raw text. this is the unformatted text which includes the raw markup characters such as ** for bold. <, >, and & are escaped.
body_html: Box<str>
the formatted HTML text as displayed on reddit. For example, text that is emphasised by * will now have tags wrapping it. Additionally, bullets and numbered lists will now be in HTML list format. NOTE: The HTML string will be escaped. You must unescape to get the raw HTML.
special: Option<Value>
false if not edited, edit date in UTC epoch-seconds otherwise. NOTE: for some old edited comments on, this will be set to true instead of edit date.
gilded: u64
the number of times this comment received reddit gold
likes: Option<bool>
how the logged-in user has voted on the comment - True = upvoted, False = downvoted, null = no vote
present if the comment is being displayed outside its thread (user pages, /r/subreddit/comments/.json, etc.). Contains the author of the parent link
link_id: Box<str>
ID of the link this comment is in
link_title: Option<Box<str>>
present if the comment is being displayed outside its thread (user pages, /r/subreddit/comments/.json, etc.). Contains the title of the parent link
link_url: Option<Box<str>>
present if the comment is being displayed outside its thread (user pages, /r/subreddit/comments/.json, etc.). Contains the URL of the parent link
num_reports: Option<u64>
how many times this comment has been reported, null if not a mod
parent_id: Box<str>
ID of the thing this comment is a reply to, either the link or a comment in it
saved: bool
true if this post is saved by the logged in user
score: i64
the net-score of the comment
Whether the comment’s score is currently hidden.
subreddit: Box<str>
subreddit of thing excluding the /r/ prefix. “pics”
subreddit_id: Box<str>
the id of the subreddit in which the thing is locatedss
distinguished: Option<Box<str>>
to allow determining whether they have been distinguished by moderators/admins. null = not distinguished. moderator = the green [M]. admin = the red [A]. special = various other special distinguishes
votable: Votable
Voting Implementation
created: Created
Created Implementation